[Inspiring success stories from our students for your next level of Success]

[Inspiring success stories from our students for your next level of Success]

by Ian Rey A -
Number of replies: 0

Hello  everyone,

We are thrilled to present a series of success stories from our Capstone EC students. These will be featured in announcements to highlight the accomplishments of our students post their tenure at Capstone EC.

We're eager to kick off with an inspiring success story while doing their practicum. Despite stiff competition from peers at other institutions, one of our students secured a position as a casual MOA. To respect privacy, we will only disclose the student's first name followed by the initial of their last name.
This milestone is a testament to the diligent efforts and serves as a powerful incentive to continue striving, even when faced with daunting challenges.
Together, let's continue to advance!

Hi, Admin,
I am happy and proud to have completed this course (MOA). Dr. Pirisola, a doctor from the clinic, inquired whether there is a letter that I need or you need to submit to the clinic because he has hired me on a casual basis. After my practicum, he mentioned that he would contact me for work if extra help is needed at the clinic. I am grateful to all the doctors and staff at Cares Medical Clinic for their unwavering support, despite their busy schedules, in helping students learn and practice. As a practicum student, I will ensure that I listen to and apply all the advice and techniques from my trainers while working at the front desk. Although we were three students training and it was challenging, requiring focus and patience, I am very proud and happy with myself for doing my best to complete it. 
Thanks Admin.

- Maria Cristina C.

Send us your success story. Email us at announcements@capstoneec.ca

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