New Staff

New Staff

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 1

 10 March 2022

 Dear Capstone Edge College Family,

Greetings! A wonderful day to Everyone!

The Board of Academics and Skills Development  Capstone Edge College is proud to announce to all the College constituents to bring on board Ms. Jessame Gamboa, she is joining our Student Success Department.

Currently, Jessame is in her last term in university, taking up Bachelor of Science Major in Psychology, she is very active and had many involvements in different campus & community programs.  Also, working for almost four years in a retail environment is a great exposure for her in dealing with people.  She will be a valuable asset to our department, and definitely will contribute to student’s success.

In this light, we welcome Jess, in our Capstone Edge College Family, we encourage everyone to be supportive and be cooperative in our department to achieve our common goal, the success of every student.


Thank you so much!

 Sincerely yours,


Monica Montalbo

Student’s Success, Department Head


Noted by:

Doctor Manny Felicio,

School Head & Director




Re: New Staff by Tanushree Chakraborty -