CEC Admin Personnel Announcement

CEC Admin Personnel Announcement

by Ian Rey A -
Number of replies: 0

To all our dear Capstone students,

There has been a recent personnel change for the administration of Capstone Edge College.

I am writing today to notify everyone that Ms. Monica Montalbo, Ms. Antonina Montalbo and Ms. Vanessa Chua have moved forward towards another opportunity. Effective September 15 2023, please direct all department questions to our Student Success department until we are able to secure a replacement.

Please join us in offering our farewells to them. We are very appreciative of all the hard work that they have done for us over the last years, and they will be missed. They have played an integral role in building Capstone Edge College to what it is today, and  I would personally like to wish them the best of success in all future endeavors.

Thank you.


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