REMEDIAL CLASS starts on APRIL 5, 2023

REMEDIAL CLASS starts on APRIL 5, 2023

by Deleted user -
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We are starting The Remedial class on April 05,  2023. We advise all students concerned, who have been notified through email, to those who accomplished and sent their re-enrolment form to remedial and academic support to please check in to your portal and do your modules.

The purpose of the remedial is to amend the inadequate markings yield from the previous modules taken by the students.

It is the school's initiative, headed by Dr. Manny Felicio, to give the student the support and the opportunity to perform better. Let us take this chance to engage and take time to do your best, in doing so all our efforts and hard work for all of you will not be wasted.

Trusting your full cooperation and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best of luck

From Remedial , Student Success & Academics Support